Anointing of the Sick
Jesus shows us: Heaven suffers with us when we suffer. God even wants to be rediscovered in “the least of these my brethren” (Mt 25:40). That is why Jesus designated care of the sick as a central task for his disciples. He commands them, “Heal the sick” (Mt 10:8), and he promises them divine authority: “In my name they will cast out demons; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mk 16:17-18) (YOUCAT 242).
Saint James wrote in his epistle: “Are there any who are sick among you? Let them send for the priests of the Church and let the priest pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord” (Jm 5:14). The sacrament of the anointing of the sick can be received by any Catholic whose health is in a critical state. This sacrament imparts consolation, peace, and strength and unites the sick person, in his precarious situation and his sufferings, with Christ in a profound way (YOUCAT 243, 245).
The sick person can approach a priest to receive this sacrament of healing for body and soul. In a case of emergency and danger of death, a priest should be contacted immediately so that the sacrament can be administered at the person’s home or in hospital. On the first Friday of the month, the sacrament is given to those who are ill at the 8:30 morning Mass in St Pauls. Arrangements may be made at other churches.